Tuesday, June 23, 2009


3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

4 " Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted."

COMMENTARY: 5:3 Blessed means "happy." This is a basic description of the believers' inner condition as a result of the work of God. These Beatitudes, like Psalm I, do not show a man how to be saved, but rather describe the characteristics of one who has been saved. The poor in spirit are the opposite of the proud or haughty in spirit. They have been humbled by the grace of God and have acknowledged their sin and therefore their dependence upon God to save them. They will inherit the kingdom of heaven, kingdom of heaven is a general designation of the dwelling place of the saved. 5:4 Those that mourn...shall be comforted. The depth of the promise of these statements is almost inexhaustible. Those who mourn for sin shall be comforted in confession. Those who mourn for the human anguish of the lost shall be comforted by the compassion of God.

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