Sunday, June 28, 2009

Word For the Day Genesis 1:2 (KJV)


The Holy Spirit in Creation

1:2 The first emblem of the Holy Spirit in Scripture is that of the Spirit "moving" or literally "brooding" over the waters, much as a broods over her eggs to hatch them. Illustration: The Scriptures assign to the Holy Spirit the works of creating the world (Ps. 33:6), of brooding over the waters (v.2), of garnishing the heavens (Job 26:13), of renewing the earth (Ps. 104:30), and of sustaining life (Ps. 104:29). The Holy Spirit's work in Creation results in order (Is. 40:12-14; Gen. 1:); life (Job 33:4); beauty (Job 26:13; and renewal (Ps. 104:30). The work of the Holy Spirit in Creation is one of the biblical proofs of His deity. Application: The Scriptures also describe the physical body of the Christian as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and suggest He is in the process of recreating us into Christ's image (Phil. 1:6), (First Reference, Gen. 1:2; Primary Reference, Gen. 1:2, cf. Luke 4:18.)

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